Solving access to information catalogues for telecommunications operators – Internet based directory assistance

The following describes the solution, both functionally and architecturally, to an age-old problem that has haunted the telecom operators for decades. the solution is the TelInfo Directory Assistance Gateway (TelInfo DAG), which is a new service of Operational System Support for the telecommunication operator industry. It enables a telecommunication operator (TELECOM) to uniformly access its own directory (catalog) as well as that of other TELECOM operators’ directories data as if it were a single logical database, Thus providing transparent information services for their customers. It also provides a new revenue stream to the TELECOM, allowing them to offer access to their data.

A common definition specifies e-Business as follows: “An e-Business is an enterprise designed for success in the information age.” One of the mission critical success factors for the telecommunication operators today is the ability to share (integrate) directory (catalogue) information – in the era of integration of telecommunication services, the need for a comprehensive and integral directory service is more visible than ever. Today, telecommunication directory data is kept as proprietary data islands and used by their respective owners (TELECOMs). TelInfo DAG is a product that enables authorised Internet users (TELECOMs, their customers and other users) to access directory data from different, physically separated and heterogeneous directory data sources (white/yellow pages databases of different TELECOMs, Internet directories, data about IP telephony gateways etc.). They can access them as a single, uniform directory data source on a national or international level.

TelInfo DAG provides an Intranet/Internet portal (single point of entry) framework for applications that need access to directory data. Information portals provide users with a centralised access point to a variety of information resources by using a Web-browser interface. Portals also provide us with the opportunity to place structure and order around intranets that might have become wild and unwieldy.

The basic functions of the TelInfo DAG Intranet/Internet portal follows:

  • Routing of requests
  • Load Sharing
  • Access to local and distant databases
  • User Administration
  • Providing with statistical data
  • Support for different clients and servers

TelInfo DAG is a multi-tier application whose clients are thin Internet browsers. Microsoft IIS or Apache servers are the entry point to the system. This entry point translates and routes requests to the appropriate data servers using particular directory protocols.

TelInfo DAG uses emerging state of the art information technologies and standards in order to unify the directory support for telecommunication services. This solution facilitates the compilation of data from different sources into a unique and uniform database. Such an innovative tool is key to achieving a complete directory database at both national and international data levels. Keeping in mind the development and integration of telecommunication services, TelInfo DAG and similar products will become recognised as a standard in Operational Support Systems. Along the way, this trend should help organisations transform unwieldy corporate intranets and extranets into true knowledge management systems that improve the way business is done.

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Mirko Jelcic and Nebojsa Ljuboja


Mirko Jelcic and Nebojsa Ljuboja,

STROM Telecom
Mirko Jelcic was born in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina forty-five years ago. He spent the last twenty years developing and implementing information systems for telecommunication service operators. Currently he is working at STROM telecom, a Czech based company. STROM telecom is a producer of communications equipment and software. Nebojsa Ljuboja is a specialist on Web/Internet technologies in telecommunications. He has gained a five year experience in development of telecommunications application software.
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