Wireless Keypads - Audience Response Systems

OptionFinder offers a variety of wireless keypad systems for our different software suites and different meeting environments.

All wireless keypad systems include base stations that receive votes and send them to your computer.

OptionFinder IR

New Wireless Infrared Keypad a Breakthrough in Price and Portability

OFE’s new wireless infrared keypad system, OptionFinder IR is perfect for small to medium-sized meetings, classrooms, and workshops. Ideal for facilitators and presenters who travel with their audience response systems, the IR keypad is a remarkably compact and lightweight keypad system. Because it is infrared, there are no international restrictions on its use.

OptionFinder IR maintains an important feature of its radio frequency counterpart that also separates it from other infrared systems: Two-way confirmation. The bases station verifies when a “vote” has been received by sending a signal back to the user’s keypad. IR also “alerts” the participant if it is out of range of the base station/receiver. Includes 0-10 scale, True/False, Yes/No buttons. Requires “line-of-sight” with IR base station/receiver.

Available for the following software platforms: OptionPower, OptionFinder.

OptionFinder IQ

The Most Advanced Radio Frequency Wireless Keypad Available

The next generation wireless response keypad, OptionFinder IQ is an ideal solution for large meetings or classrooms. This advanced handset uses the latest radio frequency technology to transmit responses faster than any large audience response system. This makes it possible for a group of 300 people to respond to polling or test questions in less than two seconds.

OptionFinder IQ's participant login tracks responses by individual.  Ideal for conducting tests and tracking voting results, this feature allows users to identify themselves by entering a user-specific code on their handset. IQ is the only system available that sends an acknowledgement back to the user when their keypad is logged in. LCD window displays login status and receives messages from the software (verification that response has been received, prompts to respond to a question, verification of user ID).

OptionFinder IQ wireless audience response keypads include 0-10 scale, send feature for login, clear and backspace options that make it easy to change responses. IQ Receiver/Base Stations are small, light, and portable. One base station can receive votes from up to 300 keypads. Additional capacity (up to 1500 keypads) can be purchased for an additional fee.

Available for the following software platforms: OptionPower.

OptionFinder SR

The Original OptionFinder Wireless Keypad
OFE’s most popular audience response systems, OptionFinder SR is a radio frequency keypad for large meetings or classrooms. Used in a wide range of organizations over the last decade, SR has an unparalleled record of continued performance and reliability.

OptionFinder SR Keypads transmit votes from up to 175 feet and further. SR base station receives votes from up to 250 keypads. Keypads include 0-10 scale and molded case that makes stacking
and storing easy. SR offers two-way verification system notifies participant when their vote has been received, and keypads do not require line of site with SR base station.

Works with the following software platforms: OptionPower, OptionFinder.

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