CK Technology provides a total solution package for shooting range equipment and training systems.
CK Technology delivers complete didactical material, matching all quality and security requirements for shooting ranges. We guarantee a high-technology training-method that is very professional and sophisticated.
Pop Ups and Target Carriers:
- CK Technology offers different types of Pop Ups: CKP2, CKP3, CKP4 and CKP5.
- Developed in order to train basic reaction shooting skills.
- The systems are complementary
- Different motion possibilities: pop-up, rotation, swing-up or even combination of two movements.
- Modular: computer controlled or remote controlled, with wire or wireless, with or without hit detection,
- Target carriers on cable and rail with individual or central remote control are also available.
Running-Man CKM95:
- Precision shooting on mobile, in speed varying targets.
- One or two target carriers placed on a wagon move on a trail.
- Can be used in combination with the standard target carriers.
- Electronic, electric and mechanical safety
- Perception and decision making are kept very simple
- Positionable and bi-directional
- A solid and reliable system requiring very little maintenance!
Slide and Video Shooting Simulator:
- Shooting with real ammunition or laser weapons
- Realistic Task specific training, individual or in team
- Microsoft Windows® operated and use of Multi-media techniques
- Hit-indication on the screen and PC-monitor
- Statistic analysis of the results
- Hit-back simulation
- Progressive and modular composition
- Easy to use and to programme, no specific knowledge necessary
- Use as Video Simulator (scenarios) or as Slide Simulator (statistic or dynamic targets)
- Films programmable according specific legislation
- Easy to introduce and programme self-produced films
- Maintenance reduced to the minimum
CK Technology manufactures a large range of special equipment items:
Bullet Traps:
Various types of bullets traps are available according to the type of training (precision or decision shooting), the calibre used, the room available in the range,
- Metallic bullet traps: Venetian model (in light or heavy version), Escalator model (in light or heavy, short or long version)
- Rubber bullet traps: PARAB and Politor models.
All these bullet traps can withstand shots from different directions and highly reduce risks of bouncing back bullets.
Mobile shooting range:
The training facilities go to the trainees and not the other way round:
- People get regular, adequate and sufficient
- There are no massive and expensive transports of trainees.
- The planning of training sessions gains in flexibility and regularity.
- No equipment to install in the range on arrival on site.
- The training session can start without delay.
- Immediate departure to another location when the sessions are over;
Ground, Wall and Ceiling Coatings:
CK Technology proposes various types of anti-ricochet wall, ground and ceiling coatings that ensure a maximum safety in closed shooting ranges:
- Tirsol ground Coating
- DAR 30 40 65 anti-ricochet rubber tiles
- Regupol anti-ricochet rubber tiles
- Ceiling protections
Weapon neutralisation zones: ensures unloading of weapons with maximum safety.
It is made of three armoured steel plates covered with DAR40 rubber tiles which are fixed on small beams (50 x 30 mm). The kit also includes a wooden bin filled with sand to unload the weapons.
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