Transit Packaging Consultancy

Direct-to-line, standardised, reusable packaging that has reduced costs and brought other far-reaching benefits to Jungheinrich/Boss was the result of a partnership with Nefab Packaging Limited.

As one of the world's leading suppliers of industrial trucks, warehousing and materials flow technology, Jungheinrich/Boss is a company that prides itself on customer satisfaction and reliability. Stores Manager Richard Waterworth realised that streamlining the warehouse operation would make a significant contribution to efficiency and improve customer service. 


Richard compared the state of the existing warehouse to 'Christmas morning at home' – a lot of valued items that come in boxes and wrappings of all shapes & sizes! Turning this disarray into a uniform stack was his vision. Next he needed a partner with enthusiasm and knowledge of Jungheinrich's business, as well as packaging and logistics expertise, to bring that vision to life. The partner Jungheinrich chose was Nefab.

"After much preparation, planning and constructive argument between Nefab's team and ours," said Richard, "prototypes were made based on a standard footprint of 1200 X 1000mm, and a supplier was chosen as a 'guinea pig' to test the concept for inbound logistics to Jungheinrich's Leighton Buzzard facility. Ideas come from ideas, especially when you have the full support and analytical capabilities of Nefab's Complete Packaging Solution approach."

It soon became clear that the Nefab system, with customised dunnage for Jungheinrich's huge variety of components and sub-assemblies, could be extended to improve the flow from delivery to storage, from storage to shop floor and from task to task along the production line. A wheeled chassis at the base of each pack makes for easy, safe handling. The packing units, collapsible for efficient transportation, are then returned to all suppliers for re-use.

"Taking people away from traditional methods can be a sensitive issue," commented Richard Hancock, Managing Director of Nefab UK. "Everyone will have a different view of how Nefab innovation will affect their work and their business. That's why we gave a series of presentations to Jungheinrich's personnel, each one tailored to a specific group of people. As Richard Waterworth agreed, you have to get everyone to buy into it, if it's going to work."

It does work; among the benefits of the Nefab solution are better working conditions, a reduction in damage to parts, no need to check supplies at the point of delivery, pre-planning of warehousing and production layouts, a spruce image and the elimination of packing waste!

"Those are important improvements," enthused Richard Hancock. "I'm also glad to report that the introduction of Nefab's direct-to-line system reduced our customer's packaging costs by 8%, freed up 60% of warehouse floor space and cut waste disposal costs by 35%."

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Mr Richard Hancock


Mr Richard Hancock,
Managing Director of Nefab Packaging UK Ltd.

Nefab Packaging UK Ltd.
Richard Hancock joined Nefab UK in December 1998 as Sales Manager and was appointed Managing Director in September 2002. Prior to joining Nefab Richard was a Marketing Manager for a Division of Senior Engineering – Senior Tube, a component supplier to the European automotive market. Richard has held both sales and marketing management positions over the past 20 years. He has a degree in Industrial Economics and is a member of the Institute of Marketing. Richard’s focus in the next three years is to further improve Nefab’s performance and double the company’s turnover.
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