Microviper is fundamental to post blast investigations

Allen-Vanguard is launching ‘Microviper’, an on-scene microscopic investigative tool for use at post blast sites. The revolutionary equipment allows forensic officers to sweep a location for evidence not seen with the naked eye and identify important information quickly and accurately – key in the early hours of an investigation.

A post blast incident is among the most complex of forensic investigations. The fragmentation effect following an explosive event creates debris which is very small and easily missed by the naked eye. The process of differentiating between general debris and verifiable proof can be tedious. Traditional investigative methods including fingertip extended line search and grid, zigzag or spiral searches are all time and resource intensive, yet vital to a successful investigation. 


“Microviper offers a unique and fundamental technology for identifying forensic evidence,” said Roy Peers-Smith, president and chief executive officer at Allen-Vanguard. “It gives investigators the on-site ability to instantly determine what may be part of the explosive device component or what may have been affected by the contaminating debris.  Viewing in such minute detail can provide decisive clues and intelligence on methods of operation, procedures, device construction and logistics employed by the bomb makers.”


A further advantage of Microviper is its ability to capture images which can then be instantly transmitted electronically to explosive experts who might be some distance away.  This gives the officers immediate, first hand authoritative advice which can direct the search and build a chain of relevant forensic evidence while also eliminating the collection of irrelevant debris, saving further time and resources.


Microviper is a sealed, forensically clean system that does not interfere in any way with evidence and can lead to the conviction of criminals and terrorists alike.                                                                              

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