Invisity Receiver
This Article shows the invisity receiver and its supported products.
Invisity, the new RF receiver from Phonak Communication Systems is the smallest - and only - in the ear receiver in the world.
Invisity opens brand new perspectives in the world of one way communications. Small and ergonomic shape, high acoustic level, programmable, single or multi-frequency, handheld remote control, simply unique. You can choose between 3 different models meeting your requirements best. You can now program and/or reprogram your invisity receiver, set your required frequencies and adjust audio level and other features at your discretion. An other unique highlight is the handheld invisity remote control, designed to discreetly change the frequency.
invisity fix / 1 Channel, fixed frequency
The RF receiver is set on your required frequency and comes in the Phonak standard configuration. No change of frequency nor altering of features.
invisity flex / 1 Channel, with reprogrammable frequency A device with 1 reprogrammable channel (within 7 MHz). You can return the device to your dealer to change the frequency or do it yourself as many times as desired on your own invisity programming unit (IPU). All other parameters are fixed on Phonak standard and not programmable.
invisity 4 channels/ 4 Channels, with reprogrammable frequency together with the invisity remote control
The device with 4 programmable channels (within 7 MHz) is always bundled with the invisity remote control to change the pre-set channels. With your own IPU you can not only change the frequencies but also alter audio-level and other features as required.
invisity Remote Control, waterproof keyring format remote control for discret changing of the 4 programmed channels.
invisity Programming Unit (IPU) A specific designed interface with USB adapter for the programming of invisity and remote control.
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