Laptop crime is an issue of major concern for many businesses. Laptops are easy targets for criminals and, until recently, it was difficult to counter theft from cars or offices. Businesses have been especially vulnerable, not only because of the loss of hardware but also because of the potential risk of valuable information getting into the wrong hands.

Research has shown that a high percentage of thefts from businesses are by people on ‘the inside’.  This does not necessarily mean that staff are the culprits: in many organisations there are a number of other parties that have access to offices such as cleaners, caterers, security personnel, trades people, etc., all of which makes policing the workplace an almost impossible task.

Not only is it the business user who stands to lose out.  Government agencies and charities, or similar bodies, often share hardware resources.  Educational establishments frequently use laptops in the classroom, but some allow students and teachers to take laptops home.  In the face of such diverse activity, how can any asset manager know where computers are, or ensure that they are in safe hands?

This problem has been recognised since the introduction of the laptop but only recently have security solutions been brought to the market.  Solutions fall into two basic groups: software tracking (with additional security measures) and hardware devices.  Both are designed to have a visible deterrent, warning the potential thief that the equipment is marked or protected in some way.

Software tracking has become popular with those who share laptops or frequently need to move them from one location to another.  Software installed on the laptop communicates with a highly secure database every time the computer is connected to the Internet.  This information shows the geographical location of the laptop, its serial number and its status, i.e. permitted or stolen.

Combined with this, a security plate is fixed to the outside of the laptop casing.  The software is very resilient to removal and will remain even if the hard drive is re-formatted.  The visible security plate is applied with industrial strength fixative and cannot be removed without significant damage to the casing.  In rare cases where it is removed, an indelible tattoo of the serial number remains, leaving the thief with a computer that will be almost impossible to sell. 

In the main, hardware solutions provide a method of fixing the laptop to an immovable object such as a radiator.  Fixing is via a high tensile steel cable and security lock.  Not only is this a very obvious deterrent, but the sheer complexity of removing the device is likely to put off all but the most determined thieves.

For laptops that need to be mobile within a site, but perhaps locked away when not in use, a steel housing unit provides the perfect answer.  The fully welded units can be used singly, or stacked together; all are fixed to desks, cabinets, or other heavy objects and come complete with a security lock.  A similar unit is available for use in vehicles, and is one of the few ways of deterring opportunistic theft from cars.

Products need to be simple if they are to be effective.  All these security measures are easy to use but extremely robust.  Although their use in this country is still in its infancy, already statistics show that crimes – and attempted crimes – have fallen dramatically where these deterrents are in place.  In countries such as the US and Australia where laptop security products are more routinely used the impact has been phenomenal.

Laptops will always be easy pickings but businesses now have the means to prevent the majority of crimes from taking place.  Choosing the right system is important: make sure the company you buy from is an expert in laptop security and can offer a clear indication of their products’ success through case histories or referrals.  In a mobile world it makes sense to ensure your hardware – and your company’s data – stays where it should be.

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