Articles found for CRM
CRM achieving a total solution
By Michelle L. Figg MA,
Marketing and Public Relations Manager
It is safe to say, an effective customer focused management system has somehow missed your busy agenda if you have not heard about Customer Relationship Management (CRM). There are numerous articles, lectures, and software products claiming to provide CRM solutions. Many companies have even gone to the expense of purchasing multiple products and attending endless seminars only to be faced with a failed initiative.
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Establishing a clear CRM road map
By Suzanne Cleal,
While most organisations now accept CRM as a strategic imperative rather then merely an operational nicety, many are failing to realise the expected benefits. In response, Valoris has developed a series of tools under the CRM Road Map label to help firms implement CRM more effectively.
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CSM: Implementing Feedback for Customer Satisfaction
By Richard Stevenson,
Chairman and CEO, CobbleSoft International Ltd.
There is no doubt that Customer Relationship Management (CRM) remains a hot topic for many companies. Whether prompted through disparate organization stemming from rapid growth, or simply a fear of being left behind, executives are driving high-dollar projects to implement the best practices.
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The Key to Success - Customer Management
By Michelle L. Figg MA,
Marketing and Public Relations Manager
"Have a nice day." Four little words that are a fixture in every American vocabulary and very often made fun of in the United Kingdom and Europe. The phrase may be fun to chortle at, but perhaps more businesses should follow suit and adopt the fundamental philosophy that lies at the heart of its origin.
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