The Bahamas Investment Authority
The Government's proactive economic growth and development policies are guided by The Bahamas Investment Authority (BIA), established to "cut red tape and lay out the red carpet" for investors. Operating from the Office of the Prime Minister, the BIA has been designated a "one-stop shop" designed to simplify investing in The Bahamas.
The agency has a four-fold mandate to:
administer the National Investment Policy
promote investment
evaluate project proposals
monitor projects and provide support
Proposals to establish a business are submitted to the BIA and approvals come through this agency, which coordinates with other arms of Government regarding investment matters. Visit the Legislation section for relevant legislation, information and application forms. Download more Information about investing in The Bahamas.
For more information contact:
Mr. Philip Miller
Deputy Director
Cecil Wallace-Whitfield Centre
P. O. Box CB-10980
Tel: - 4
Articles by The Bahamas Investment Authority: