CCTV User Group
The CCTV User Group is a membership organisation representing those managers operating public area CCTV surveillance systems. Initially membership was predominantly Local Authorities and Police Forces operating Town and City Centre CCTV systems, but membership is now rapidly increasing as NHS Trusts, Universities, Transport Companies, Airports, Shopping Centres and Commercial Companies appreciate the significant implications of the Data Protection and Human Rights Acts on CCTV Managers.
The principal aims and objectives of The CCTV User Group are 'Setting Standards for the Industry' which CCTV Managers will wish to abide by. The Group facilitates networking opportunities between CCTV managers by providing conferences, regular magazines, a 'Yahoo' Discussion Forum, and promotes model documents and 'Best Practice' through the website
Articles by CCTV User Group:
Peter Fry BSc C Eng MICE
CCTV Surveillance Systems
CCTV Use & Abuse
For the past decade the use of CCTV has been an ever increasing factor in the lives of citizens in the United Kingdom, now often said to be the most surveillance orientated country in the world, but with the events of Sept 11th in the USA that pre-eminent position could well change, or will it?