Computing Suppliers Federation
CSF is a not-for-profit trade association representing specialist sectors of the Information Technology industry.
We aim to increase awareness and understanding of technology and produce independent reports and guides that give impartial information and guidance on how to make key IT investment decisions.
Our members are grouped in to specialist forums and special interest groups to address and tackle industrywide challenges and issues.
We also work with a range of event and exhibition organisers to ensure they are meeting the needs of both suppliers and users. Customers can buy from CSF members safe in the knowledge that they publicly support the CSF Code of Standards and Ethics, which encourages ethical and professional business conduct between the supplier and the customer.
Articles by Computing Suppliers Federation:
Valerie Cumming
Computer Hardware / Software
Working together to grow markets
We invited Valerie Cumming, Managing Director of the Computing Suppliers Federation to tell us how a trade association can deliver real benefits to its members and what the CSF does to help users of information technology.