EEMA The European Forum for Electronic Business
EEMA the European Forum for Electronic Business was founded in 1987 and is the leading European non-for-profit e-Business association with the aim of pushing forward the boundaries of
e-commerce, technology and legislation.
Its numerous Interest Groups, workshops, conferences and seminars each specialise in areas of current concern, to educate and inform EEMA Members on latest developments and technologies, at the same time enabling members of the association to compare views and ideas.
EEMA works closely with governmental bodies, standards organisations and e-Business initiatives throughout Europe and is an instrumental force in moving European business towards working electronically.
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Articles by EEMA The European Forum for Electronic Business:
Jos Dumortier
The European electronic signatures directive the unanswered questions
On September 25, to coincide with the ISSE 2001 conference in London, EEMA organised a closed meeting of legal experts from Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, The Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom to compare and contrast the implementation of the European Electronic Signatures Directive: European Directive 1999/93/CE on a common framework for electronic signatures into their national law. The Directive should have been introduced into the law of each European country by July 19 2001.