The European Internet Services Providers Association was established in 1997 to protect and promote the interests of Europe as a whole within the global Internet, securing for Europe a premier position in this key industry. Secondly, it aims to help deliver the benefits of this new technology of liberation and empowerment to individuals, while at the same time meeting the legitimate concerns of parents and others responsible for the weaker members of society. Thirdly, it encourages the development of a free and open telecommunications market, something of great benefit to society as a whole but essential to the healthy development of the Internet. And finally, it promotes the interests of our members and provides common services to them where these cannot be had elsewhere.

Rue Montoyer 39
Box 3
1000 Brussels

Tel: 2 503 22 65
Fax: 2 503 42 95


Articles by EuroISPA:

Joe McNamee
Internet Technology

Adapting to the challenges of change

Anybody who has been working in the ISP sector for a few years will, like me, be amazed at the continuing state of change in the market and the continuing evolution of what one understands by the term “ISP”.

2 503 22 65


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