CBI - Confederation of British Industry
The CBI - Confederation of British Industry is the UK's leading employer organisation. It is Britain's Business Voice.
The CBI plays a key lobbying role on a national and European level, and is involved in a number of pro-active initiatives such as the people management benchmarking and evaluation tool HEADSTART. This focuses on areas such as work organisation, leadership and employee development and is based on facilitated discussions with a cross-section of employees. As well as providing an external benchmark, HEADSTART is used to encourage best practice transfer throughout an organisation on both a national and international level.
Head office:
Centre Point
103 New Oxford Street
Articles by CBI - Confederation of British Industry:
Tom Hadley
People Management Solutions
Improving business performance through effective people management
During the course of the recent football World Cup in Japan and South Korea, commentators, journalists and self-appointed luminaries from the local bar were all agreed on one thing. This was the World Cup of surprises where well led, dynamic, highly motivated and perfectly organised teams from lesser known footballing nations regularly outperformed the billion dollar superstar brigade.

Tom Hadley
Invest In UK
The crucial business of international people management
The need for a flexible and internationally mobile workforce is ever more pressing. As a result, organisations have recognised the need to regularly review their people management policies and practices in order to recruit, develop and retain the employees who will really impact on organisational performance. The CBI has responded to the needs of member organisations by developing specific benchmarking tools as well as providing ongoing information on some of the external factors which can impact on the way companies manage their global workforce.