Orygen Ltd
Orygen Ltd. is a specialist in accelerated e-business Delivery, employing 250 professionals in the U.K, Ireland, and the U.S., Orygen has been providing customers with IT services for over 15 years every customer is a reference.
Orygens e-business Java development framework can slash the time and cost of application development by as much as 30%. It achieves this through the use of off-the-shelf development components and templates, which deliver a range of common functionality. For example Orygens XML development templates can enable basic database functions to be deployed in minutes,
rather than days or weeks.
Articles by Orygen Ltd:
Ian Manning
Navigating the e-technology jungle
As the corporate world embraces Internet technologies, and embarks on various initiatives designed to capitalise on them, corporate IT departments are facing new and significant challenges. The rapid pace of change, in both business and technology, has created an environment in which choices of technology and IT strategy are becoming increasingly more difficult.