Net to Net is focused on providing easy to use, cost-effective, Ethernet-based IP DSL solutions. Our products are extremely easy to use, requiring little or no configuration, which allows for quick installation without the need for extensive training. Our simplified approach reduces hardware costs, and reduces soft costs by minimising the need for training, maintenance, or highly specialised troubleshooting skills.

In providing Ethernet-based DSL solutions, we reduce both local loop and backhaul costs. Net to Net’s “DSL the Easy Way” slogan sums up what Net to Net is all about. Net to Net provides a much simpler approach to DSL networking.


Lesley Hansen
IP Broadband Access Services

Cost effective DSL

The Internet access market is becoming a utility market. Prices for Customer Premises Equipment (CPE) are based on commodity product pricing. Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) services are beginning to be seen by the consumer as a utility service in the same light as the telephone, electricity or gas network. Customers are not prepared to pay a premium for what they perceive as a utility service. In this environment the drive to reduce the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) of the network increases in importance, as it becomes a significant factor in the difference between a profitable and non-profitable DSL deployment.


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