CDFTel is a company specialised in developing communications software. It also provides consulting in areas such as software development using formal techniques (SDL, TTCN, UML), automatic code generation/translation (C++, JAVA), protocols (TCP/IP, SNMP, V5, ISDN) and protocol testing.
CDFTel commercialises the TCP/IP testing tool TICK, a software designed to thoroughly test TCP/IP implementations. TICK is an appropriate aid for developing protocol stacks, planning networks and training.
CDFTel also commercialises SUIGEN, a code generation tool for the SDL/UML profile. This tool converts SDL to UML and supplies fully customisable java/C++ backend code generators.
For more information please contact us:
CDFTel, Lda
Rue de Goncalo Cristova, 347 Sala 205
4000-270 Porto
Articles by CDFTel:
Joaquim Soares
IP Networking Services
The challenges of testing TCP/IP
The pressure on companies to reduce time-to-market may have as a side effect an increase in the number of bugs in released software. Not only because programmers have to actually program in a shorter time frame, but also because the time dedicated to testing is in the front line to suffer from time-budget cuts.