The International Biometric Foundation (IBF)
The International Biometric Foundation (IBF) is a new entity that, for the first time draws together government, academia, industry, media and users on a global scale. The foundation, launched in December 2003 is currently accepting membership applications.
The introduction of biometric technology in large scale public sector applications raises many issues in areas where there is often relatively little direct experience upon which to draw. Furthermore, these are not just technological issues, but encompass operational and societal factors that must be properly understood if new initiatives are to be successful. This situation is echoed in the private sector where large scale applications are beginning to surface. This raises challenges for both government and technology suppliers who seek to implement such initiatives.
The IBF embodies significant expertise in biometrics and related technologies and is able to coordinate research and discussion in an unbiased but informed manner. Indeed, its founding members have already demonstrated this capacity in relation to important international forums. In addition, it draws upon a history and wealth of research in this area, which is unequalled. Unlike some existing associations, the IBF has neither a political or commercial agenda, and is therefore able to advise and coordinate in a truly independent and unbiased manner, bringing together disparate factors in a neutral forum for the common good.
Another distinguishing feature of the International Biometric Foundation is its open nature, with membership categories covering every societal stratum from government and academia, through media and industry, right down to individual membership. The IBF is non-discriminatory, and welcomes participation from all those seeking to develop associated expertise and understanding in an ethical manner and for the common good.
Membership is currently being considered from government agencies, academic and research institutions, technology providers, media, commercial organisations and user groups throughout the world. Interested parties should contact:
Miss Humaira Kaiser
Rawlings House,
2A Milner Street,
London SW3 2PU,
Articles by The International Biometric Foundation (IBF):