Established in 1992, Cargo Training International is one of the worlds leading Dangerous Goods Training Companies. The Head Office is located near Londons Heathrow Airport and a US Branch Office is situated in Houston, Texas. The Company operates on a worldwide basis.
The business of transporting freight around the world is vital to all economies and when that freight is of a hazardous nature, stringent rules must be understood and applied.
Such rules for air transport emanate from the United Nations through the International Civil Aviation Organisation. Most people see these in the form of the Dangerous Goods Manual published annually by the International Air Transport Association (IATA).
For transportation by sea they are encompassed in the International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) Code. This is published by the International Maritime Organisation.
For road, the European regulations are to be found in the European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR). This, like the air, is a United Nations publication.
Most countries in the world accept the air and sea rules but road (and rail), tend to be more geographically contained and the rules in, say, the USA are not the same as those in the UK and Europe. Nevertheless, the whole concept of these rules and the schools that train staff to understand and to apply them is safety.
All the above regulations are updated either annually or every two years. It is essential that staff who are working with hazardous materials are given refresher training when the regulations change.
Under UK law all Schools offering training for the transportation of dangerous goods by air have to be approved by the UK Civil Aviation Authority who ensures that the highest standards are met. All course material is vetted and all Instructors have to undertake a rigorous examination and continuing assessments. The UK leads the world in the regulation of dangerous goods by air training.
For those reading this in the UK it must be remembered that under the Health & Safety at Work Act employers must ensure that employees must be conversant with all aspects of the functions that they perform as part of their normal duties. This includes all matters relating to the handling of dangerous goods.
The staff of Cargo Training International have a wealth of industry related experience ranging from airline through to shipping and packing. This makes for a good mix of practical application in the interpretation of the rules relating to the handling and transportation of dangerous goods.
Whilst the company specialises in training for the handling and transportation of dangerous goods, we also offer a preparatory course for the UK/European Dangerous Goods Safety Adviser qualification and an Introduction to Air Cargo which will be of particular interest to those starting a career in this industry.
The Cargo Training International web site contains all the information that you will need to identify your training courses. Brief descriptions of each course can be found on the site together with dates and locations. Any additional information can always be sought from our office.
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Bob Carter
Cargo Training International Courses
Cargo Training International Courses
Cargo Training International offers courses on the following subjects in the following countries:
Bob Carter
2005 will see changes to the dangerous goods regulations for all modes of transport, and therefore it is essential that personnel who are responsible for signing dangerous goods notes are up to date with their knowledge.