CheckFree Sofware

With billing increasingly at the forefront of the telecoms debate on new services, the Global Billing Association (GBA), formed in 1998, aims to promote a greater understanding and awareness of the importance of billing processes and systems within competitive environments.

One of the GBA’s key objectives is to enable operators to react quickly to market changes, technological developments and new service offerings. In order to achieve this, an unprecedented spirit of co-operation and mutual benefit is currently being fostered between the demand and supply sides of the industry with a series of ground-breaking discussion groups on Billing for Content, EBPP, Wholesale, Interconnect and Quality.

Articles by CheckFree Sofware:

Ken McKay
E-Payment Solutions

EBPP in Europe An interview with CheckFree i-Solutions

How would you compare the Electronic Bill Presentment and Payment (EBPP) market in Europe and the U.S.?


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