Security and Law Enforcement
by Dynasafe AB

Changed security perceptions have led to new assessments of threats to states, companies and the public. We are today much more concerned about terrorism and a higher vulnerability of society. Examples of this are:

  • A suspicious individual is arrested on his way into a crowded café. The individual can't be stopped from leaving his backpack in the café. Bomb personnel are called to the site to deal with the situation.

  • A suspicious letter is delivered to an embassy.

  • Hotel security suspects a parcel intended for one of their guest to be a hazardous item.

  • Security personnel at a major event discover a suspicious bag.

The predominant philosophy in respect of how to handle terrorist explosive devices, but also items containing toxic material, is whenever possible to CONTAIN and REMOVE the item to a place where it can be investigated and disposed of by EOD specialists in a manner that does not constitute a threat to public safety.

DYNASAFE offers the widest range of products for containing and removing suspected explosives and toxic material.

DYANASAFE equipment:

  • Containment
  • Gas-tight
  • Simple to use
  • Fast responding
  • Reliable

DYNASAFE'S unique experience in dealing with explosives with or without chemical/biological agents and their containment, removal and transport until final destruction, makes DYNASAFE not only the outstanding supplier but also a unique source of experience to consult.

Some of our containment chambers provide a certain containment level to radioactive contaminated material – dirty bombs – which will be a new threat in the future.

DYNASAFE´S product line features containment designed either for conventional or NBC compatible applications.