Driving Services
by SecurityDrivers.com

We provide a complete range of driving services and vehicles for any scenario.

You can be confident in the knowledge that our drivers are qualified to advanced police training requirements, along with the necessary associated specialised skills. These have been actively tested under security conditions, carrying out specialist operations involving Royalty and H.M. Government.

In order to integrate with police close protection officers, motorcyclists, and other specialised police departments, we follow recommendation 29 of the ACPO Police Driving Report, 1989, ensuring a standardised operational procedure is followed thereby providing an effective and efficient protection service.

We provide the following categories in this field. All our vehicles are fitted with the latest cutting edge satellite tracking system currently available.

  • Security Chauffeurs
  • VIP Anti-Hijack Security Drivers
  • Secure Courier Service
  • High value load escorts
  • High value load drivers including HGV
  • Varied range of Executive and Luxury vehicles
  • Specialist armoured vehicles for goods & passengers
  • Any type or make of vehicle can be supplied on request

Protective Operations

Our top of the range Mercedes cars and the specialised vehicles in our fleet are equipped with satellite tracking systems giving real time information on their location, speed and direction of travel.

Any disruption, unauthorised routing or unlawful acts are instantly and automatically notified to our control centre.
A range of tracking/location solutions can be provided offering protection for the individual in all environments.

Security Drivers.com are proud to be associated with Hidden Technology Systems International Ltd, as the sole provider of our specialist equipment.

HTSI offers a discrete, cost effective, turnkey security solution designed to enhance existing security measures and systems.

Further to HTSI's efforts to maintain the integrity of its solutions, product information is only made available to those individuals with a verifiable need.

Please Click Here to visit their web site.

Training Services

Due to the continuing expansion of our Close Protection and Security Driving Services, the directors have decided to cease our driver training programmes. This will allow us to devote all our resources to our core business.

Commencing January 2005, we are pleased to recommend a driver training company based just 35 miles to the east of London who are now providing all aspects of driver training within the security arena. The instructors of the company have been known personally by the directors of Security Drivers Ltd for over thirty years and all have a Police Training background in this particular discipline.

The company is Driver Training Matters of Basildon, Essex, also known as DTM Ltd.

Click Here to navigate to their web site and please mention Security Drivers when making an enquiry.