Allen-Vanguard Brings Robot Family to Market
by Allen Vanguard

CBRNE specialist Allen-Vanguard is launching the ‘ROV Family’ – a full suite of remotely operated vehicles that can be configured for various EOD and IEDD tasks, including those involving potential CBR hazards.

The new generation of robots covers all high risk situations and can be tailored for different IED scenarios. They have been developed in response to the current global threat with consideration for the particular tactical and surveillance needs of technicians.


Defender is the ultimate ROV for bomb technicians, drawing on 30 years’ experience of escalating terrorist sophistication. Special features include Chem-Bio wash down capability allowing it to be used in potential CBR situations.


The robot and all of its devices are configured as a computer network so operators simply ‘plug and play’, driving it with spread spectrum radio frequency telemetry from a PC-based console at the incident control point. Defender has five fitted cameras, and the user can view two flicker-free images on a screen simultaneously, or switch between all five.


Defender’s ‘little brother’ – Responder  – has a unique track design that gives superior traction combined with part titanium construction, guaranteeing excellent power to weight ratio. It’s highly manoeuvrable within confined spaces and can accommodate most disruptors.



The smallest of Allen-Vanguard’s family of ROVs can access places other vehicles simply can’t reach. Its low profile assists in clearing the undersides of vehicles, it can pass between aisles on a bus or aeroplane and fits into the boot of a car for easy transportation. It is a major asset for bomb squads and law enforcement personnel.  


Said Roy Peers-Smith, president and chief executive officer at Allen-Vanguard: “We continue to innovate and develop state-of-the-art equipment meeting the needs of EOD and IEDD teams around the world. The ROV Family can be used in its entirety or individually depending on the scale of a given situation.”