Business portals and web components Portals convert unmanageable data streams into demand-oriented information services
by Siegfried Wagner
Every day we are confronted with the challenge of filtering out relevant information from the tremendous quantity of material available on the Internet or a corporate Intranet. In many cases, valuable knowledge that is available within a company goes unused either because the most useful items are buried among excessive amounts of data or information from backend systems is not transparently accessible. More and more time is required to search for those things that are relevant to our interests or the task at hand. In addition, users and administrators must deal with increasing numbers of applications, each with individual passwords and user administration functions. Where is the solution? What do we need - besides feasible business models - to ensure that web technologies generate lasting benefits within the organisation as well as mutual advantages for customers, suppliers, and business partners?
Business Requirements
Nowadays, network users expect a manageable source of information that is easily accessible and precisely tailored to their needs. But more than that, they want the option of adapting the flow of information to their changing requirements. All information and software applications needed to complete a task should be available quickly and confidentially from a single browser interface, regardless of time and location. This network user just wants to concentrate on his central task while concerning himself as little as possible with the complex technology running in the background. The user wants efficient access to information and applications that facilitate teamwork and communication through a uniform access interface. It is ultimately the level of usability that is decisive for the users acceptance and therefore for the success or failure of an investment.
Technology is beneficial only when the solution yields greater advantages than the required investment and expense. Companies often insufficiently consider the internal costs associated with the preparation of the corporate infrastructure, the creation of content and daily operation of the applications. Furthermore, the savings expected from web solutions may not materialise if internal processes are not adequately adapted and existing backend systems not properly integrated. Todays web applications must prove their effectiveness every day and while supporting an increasing number of users. Scalable and robust architecture and open solution components are required to ensure cost-effective and stable operation. By analysing business processes and integrating previously isolated information sources is it possible to open opportunities like: shortening of throughput time, distribution of knowledge, customer loyalty, greater efficiency of internal processes, ability to effortlessly exchange information with partners, and lower operating costs through zero administration clients.
When developing a portal solution, a methodical approach towards surveying current business processes is advisable. This helps to exploit the full potential and to adapt existing solutions. Web content management systems effectively support the process of content creation with the involvement of many authors. They enable availability through a portal of all information without the need for additional postprocessing. An important component of a portal solution is central administration of users and their roles and rights. This system enables optimisation of single sign-on applications with the inclusion of new web applications. Accordingly, the portal solution recognises an individual as well as his or her role and associated access rights immediately after he or she signs on to the portal. The portal then produces a customised entrance page where the customer, partner, or employee can find exactly what he needs for his activity. The portal grants the user the appropriate access regardless of whether he is working from inside or outside the firewall. Modern web architecture must take these factors into account.
The future belongs to business solutions that are integrated into portals upon the basis of open J2EE standards. The corporation in-integrierte informationssysteme GmbH provides these kinds of solutions with a product line named weblet and with quality professional services. Through portals, personalised content and effective web applications aimed at specific target groups are made available through a single point of access. That is an approach that generates real benefits to users and suppliers.