Look after the pennies…
by Verbatim's CEO

With the popularity of CD-Recordable (CD-R) media on the increase (over 1 billion CD-R’s are sold worldwide every 3 months, (Source: SCCG) more and more businesses and end-users around the globe are adopting this media for their primary storage and demanding lower prices!

A saying exists; look after the pennies and the pounds take care of themselves!

Over the last few years CD-R media has gained wide spread acceptance as the low cost solution (a few pennies per megabyte) for distributing data easily. One of the contributing factors has to be that nearly every Personal Computer is supplied with a drive that is capable of reading the media; so whether CD-R is used in the office or home it provides users the perfect every day storage, with the ability to record up to 700MB of data in less than 6 minutes!

The value of information being stored to discs is also on the increase. In fact it is probably becoming more and more important as users have learnt to put their trust in the mediums storage / archival life. This has resulted in many businesses now using CD-R to back up and distribute critical data. But how can you be sure reduction in cost hasn’t led to a reduction in quality? How can you be certain you are purchasing a competitively priced product that still maintains data protection qualities coupled with assurance of long storage life?

It may be a few pennies more, but you should look for Verbatim Super AZO.

At Verbatim we are able to deliver the latest technology, develop the hottest products and provide users with the greatest storage innovations in the market place, due to the extensive research and development undertaken by parent company MKM in Japan. It is this research and development that has enabled Verbatim to use metal AZO and Super AZO technology in CD-Recordables.

Super AZO technology makes our CD-R media unique. Super AZO’s inherent properties mean that it will store data for longer, it is more stable than other recording dyes, which means less errors and finally it is least effected by Ultra-violet light (common in many office environments) A reassuring thought when you have stored what could amount to hundreds if not thousands of pounds by way of storing, the year’s accounts or the hours of work that went in to the multimedia presentation.

Being such a portable media these discs are popular with today’s ‘road warriors’ who find themselves travelling the globe on plane and train and often reviewing data in the back of the taxi on route to the customer. Often just the disc itself is carried without the protection of the jewel case or plastic sleeve; this can be disastrous as one scratch could be fatal and result in the contents of the disc being unreadable! Thankfully we appreciate the need to protect the data and developed a special ‘Scratch Resistant’ surface. In addition on certain products Verbatim have incorporated a fully ink jet printable surface which enables users to print high quality graphics directly on the surface of the disc.

At Verbatim we pride ourselves on our core technologies and maintaining very high standards of quality. No matter what Verbatim product, where ever you are, you can be sure you are buying the very latest, best quality and the most reliable products available. As a world leader with over 30 years experience Verbatim is a brand you can count on!

Look for the best, look for Verbatim Super AZO. Can you afford to look anywhere else?