Internet Security Issues
by Margie Tingley

While the "I" side has the IT staff trying to filter the input and secure the network from external hackers, viruses, server demand attacks, and intrusion detection, the "O" side or output from the internal staff is going undetected.

Keeping things "status quo" is no longer an option for management.  Management is either wired into today's technology or they are disconnected and in danger of being discarded.

The Output from a single PC/ desktop computer can damage the enterprise's reputation, sexually harass the employees, destroy the enterprise's records, forward confidential information to competitors, just to name a few. So one might ask what happened to management?  Since the advent of the electronic office the managers have become the "Over-the-Shoulders" managers, at best, and a simple click of the mouse can mask what is being done before they can see what is happening, unless they are equipped with binoculars. Often after the intrusion occurs it is too late to get back that confidential information or repair the damage to the company's image. 

Surely no one would expect a manager to sit at a computer all day long and try to view everything that is being done by each PC user. Even if that were possible, the damage has already occurred by the time the manager sees the information. So why not stop the action at the source, the PC. By stopping an event before it occurs management can take immediate action to safeguard the business, thereby, avoiding the resulting damage and expensive recovery. Stopping the damage at the source and notifying management is the primary focus of  i-PCTRAC 2000.  i-PCTRAC 2000 gives the computer the intelligence to enforce the enterprise's policy. 

Management needs more than just screen captures; they need data and the ability to block certain events from occurring. They need the capability to do prospective reviews and retrospective reviews. Real- time data capture and reporting allows for both prospective and retrospective review. Use i-PCTRAC 2000 to set the rules that cause the computer to log the event and take one of the following actions: Deny Access and alert management, Warn the PC user and alert management, or simply Alert management. Some computer guru may find a way to break the rules but the good news is that all of the steps used to break the rules are captured and can be used to take action to prevent the re-occurrence. All events are logged with, event title/URL, computer name, user login, start time, and stop time. All keystrokes are logged and available for on-line review at the manager's computer.

No more excuses for missed meetings, the instant message capability allows the manager to send notifications and track when the message was received. The non-compliance reporting feature provides management with the choice of removing the software or obtaining a license.

In summary, Evolutionary Vision Technology, Inc. provides the missing "O" to the I/O of Internet Security and Management control. Currently runs on the Microsoft' operating systems 95,98, ME, 2000, XP.