Centralised Security
by Dipl.-Ing. Rainer Kallies

Today, many companies fulfil multiple security requirements (i.e., in addition to guaranteeing protection against electronic attacks, they must protect buildings from fire, water, humidity, overheating, power loss, theft and vandalism, as well as safeguard critical business functions and locations with different levels of security and access control). Furthermore, these companies are required to administer and monitor numerous facility management functions.

The NTTelcoGuard system provides the ability to handle these functions and, in addition, provides the capability to administer them centrally by combining video/audio surveillance with alarm and reaction systems. NTTelcoGuard consists of a location package, a central package, and a client package.

Initially, the necessary equipment (video/audio, access control, and alarm handling) is installed in all areas requiring continuous monitoring.

The package for a specific location consists of a TCP/IP based Stored Program Controller with both analogue and digital inputs and outputs for connecting notification and response units. The Stored Program Controller and a system controller manage the necessary video and audio equipment onsite and optional functional units. The location package also includes extensive video and audio equipment to provide surveillance of the location's exterior and high quality transmission equipment. Multiple sensors constantly monitor the facility checking for water problems, fire, overheating, battery problems, power loss, motion sensor alarms, open doors, burglary alarms and so on. Additional location package options include identity card control and the ability to communicate with headquarters or service mobiles to locate technicians and direct them onsite.

Next, the location package is switched to the central location via a transmission network. Basically, the central package consists of transmission equipment connected to the outer locations (i.e., a router, for telemetry signals; video/audio codecs, for digital transmission of video and audio signals to one or more central server(s); and the necessary server software). The central package is accessed using a client package that consists of a workstation computer, an NTEasyTouchPanel, client software and necessary video-/audio-components. 

Handling is done via a combination of the PC interface in Windows Look and Feel and the TouchPanel. This combination offers the operator an efficient and ergonomic way to react to all requirements. The computer interface enables a detailed visualisation of the outer locations that helps identify the position of any alarm quickly providing the potential for rapid local response.

The computer interface shows all alarms as they occur and provides the ability to escalate the response based on the alarm type. Using the TouchPanel, the operator can switch to the location of his choice and add it to his workstation computer as well as control his specific video and audio equipment. The number and location of facilities being monitored is arbitrary.

Additional central package options include alarm monitoring, alarm recording, and central digital image storage. Monitoring outer locations centrally facilitates personnel savings and allows the company to meet all surveillance and response requirements quickly and efficiently.

High video and audio quality promotes good communication with distant locations. Continuous alarm monitoring allows headquarters to react immediately in response to critical situations, whether the response is provided by the company's own security professionals or by contracted security services. The benefits of NTTelcoGuard are obvious. Only the headquarters location has to be staffed and all events can be documented or digitally recorded.

Security is improved through centralisation because less opportunity exists for individual mistakes. Efficiency is improved because one employee can serve a number of locations. System flexibility facilitates workload rebalancing allowing personnel to efficiently handle peaks in activity. Using NTTelcoGuard the company can supervise staff, machines, and alarms and also transmit responses.

Depending on redundancy or load sharing requirements, NTTelcoGuard can be individually configured. The opportunity exists to use many different networks for transmission. It does not matter if the network is Internet, Intranet, ISDN or GSM. Redundancy can be constructed at the headquarters location or at alternate sites.

In addition to all of this flexibility and functionality, NTTelcoGuard is an open system.