Automatic Cargo Processing
by Ran Sender

The increase in containers transit made organisations look for a fast and automatic processing tool. The increased awareness in the need for security led the organisations to look for a product the will enhance security without overloading the system or increasing operational costs. The DataSeal System provided the organisations a solution for both management and security needs.

Hi-G-Tek was the first to introduce the concept of the reusable electronic seal and developed it to a sophisticated platform that is capable of performing high-end security tasks and elaborated management applications. The DataSeal platform is an active device, which includes the following major components: Receiver\Transmitter Units (Low & High Frequencies), Processor, Real-Time-Clock, Memory and sensing circuitry.

The basic application of the DataSeal involves writing User Data into the seal's memory and performing a SET. The User Data can include information such as Container ID, Source, Destination, Document No., cargo description etc. During the SET function the DataSeal creates additional layers of security by generating two parameters that cannot be manipulated externally:

Seal stamp - Random number generated by the processor.
Time Stamp - generated by the Real-Time-Clock.

These two parameters, together with the Seal ID, are checked whenever the DataSeal communicates with a reader. The multi-layered security prevents manipulations even by people within the organisation.

After the DataSeal is SET it begins its mission protecting the cargo in storage or as it travels to its destination. During its mission the DataSeal logs every event that takes place.

Every change in status or communication with the seal is recorded as an event including a time stamp. Readers that communicate with the DataSeal leave a unique footprint in the DataSeal's memory. This way at the end of each mission the DataSeal can report all the facts about that specific journey: The User Data of that shipment, when was it sealed and by whom, when the seal was inspected along the route and by whom, when it was inspected and removed from the cargo at the conclusion of the mission.

All this data is forwarded to the organisation's database and used for analysing and improving the organisation's performance, generating reports, investigating events and providing management real-time data regarding the whereabouts of each cargo and its status.

The DataSeal System is a very powerful, open architecture platform, enabling each organisation to run a different application, reflecting the unique needs and operational procedure of the organisation.
Around the DataSeal Hi-G-Tek developed a complete range of readers that enables remote communication with the DataSeal for the purpose of writing information to the seal and retrieval of logged data. In addition, a range of communication platforms like GSM and radio modems have been integrated into the readers in order to forward the collected data to remote Control Centres.

A GPS has been integrated to readers to provide location information and create a Real-Time Cargo Tracking and Security System.

Since the DataSeal is a reusable product it is used in "closed loop applications". The major users of the DataSeal System are Customs Authorities, Port Terminals, Logistics Companies, Petroleum Companies, Security Systems Integrators as well as other organisations wishing to secure and automate their cargo operation. 

Recent global developments, which affected the security of many nations, have led to the creation of Cargo security Initiatives by several countries, mainly by the United States. The need to increase security without clogging the process while gaining management advantages are the main considerations leading to the selection of the electronic seal as the core component in these initiatives. Hi-G-Tek, which pioneered the use of electronic seals for securing cargoes in storage and in transit, is a major role player in the Cargo security initiatives.