Voter registration, driver licence and national ID solutions
by Nigel Ward

If the issue is ID and it’s national, then there’s only one solution Digimarc ID Systems - world providers in voter registration, driver licence and national ID solutions.

The cornerstone of a democratic society is securing

  • each eligible person’s right to vote

  • vehicle & driver documentation to support transport infrastructure and road safety

  • protection to all individuals’ identities against identity theft and fraudulent identity misuse

Digimarc ID Systems provide internationally recognised solutions for the production of Voter, Driver and National ID cards for central and non-central issue.

The name - Digimarc ID Systems is supported by a wealth of experience and expertise in the field of ID card production. Every year, hundreds of millions of ID cards are produced in countries around the world using Digimarc ID Systems solutions. Not only to support democratic, free and fair elections but also through the production of driver licence, national identification and welfare cards.

Secure Personal Identification Systems

For decades, Digimarc ID Systems has been at the forefront of secure personal identification systems for voter identification, national identification and driver licensing.

Recognising that no one solution meets all the identification system requirements across the world, Digimarc ID Systems offers a complete portfolio of solutions - digital, instant photographic and hybrid. Solutions are tailored to meet specific requirements.

To help prevent fraud, cards can include virtually tamperproof security features. Digimarc ID Systems can also provide biometric systems such as fingerprint or facial recognition to further secure the issuing process and the cards.

Digimarc ID Systems

  • Procurement and delivery of items for voter registration

  • Voter registration form design, print and distribution to anywhere in the world

  • Automated data capture technology

  • Digital and photographic image capture

  • Identification cards

  • Logistical and project management

Digimarc ID Systems - The Place for Universal Turn-Key and Modular ID Solutions

Contact - Digimarc ID Systems
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EMEA Head Office (London) Nigel Ward
Tel: + 44
Fax: + 44

Europe (Vienna) Norbert Wallner
Tel: +
Fax: +

Latin America & Caribbean (Miami) Eusebio Ojeda
Tel: +
Fax: +

Asia Pacific (Manila) Colin Hunt
Tel: +
Fax: +

Southern Africa (Bloemfontein) Norman Adams
Tel: +
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