Double your fun with IET'S Card Reader Port Expander
by Press Dept. - IET

IET is proud to announce the launch of its new RDREX Card Reader Port Expander, which enables users to double the number of card readers they can put onto an existing Tower or Integra networking door controller.

Users can also wire an existing or new system to provide two card readers on a single card reader cable, cutting down on cabling costs and making for a neater installation. Or install the RDREX cards in a Tower Plus unit and convert it to a true four reader, two-door control unit at minimal cost.

RDREX is a powerful addition to IET's Tower and Integra networking door controllers. Networking door controller's work on the principle of distributed intelligence, which means you can build an integrated access control system independent of a central processing unit. This makes the system faster and more robust by eliminating a potential single-point-of-failure.

Each unit in the network maintains a full copy of the access rights database, ensuring that if one unit fails, the others are able to continue working uninterrupted. The units are so intelligent that if they lose part of their database - for instance due to power failure - they can rebuild their lists by querying the other units in the network.

The RDREX card reader expanders can be easily retrofitted to older systems by upgrading the EPROM firmware in the controller. A range of suitable EPROMs, are available from IET. Current product units have the firmware built in.

Existing or new systems can be wired using a single card reader cable and locating the RDREX at the door/card reader, allowing users to replace the exit push button with a "swipe out" card reader.

The 12-volt module is equipped with a five-volt regulator allowing it to supply either five or 12 volt card readers from a single supply.

An optional three-second time is also provided for controlling the buzzer line to the reader to avoid a continuous tone when a door has been set to be permanently unlocked.

Output from the unit is a single reader channel, providing mag stripe, clock and data or Wiegand/proximity data0 and data1. Configuration is automatically detected from the reader data stream.

To receive a full data sheet on the RDREX card Reader contact IET Group Ltd
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