by Precise Biometrics

Securing legal access at the Dutch Ministry of Justice.

Judicial Court Organisation (The Rechterlijke Organisatie), part of the Dutch Ministry of Justice (Hague, The Netherlands).

Challenge: Finding an effective way to allow only authorised personnel to access the organisation network, and operate within it according to their personal profiles. The organization wants to replace its system of passwords for their 12,500 workstations with a more secure authorisation method for controlling access to IT applications.

Solution: To satisfy the organization’s security demands, a solution based on fingerprints was chosen:

Fingerprint reader: Combined fingerprint and smart card readers from the Precise 100 family, including Precise Match-on-Card™ functionality

Software: Several components from Utimaco Safewares’ SafeGuard product line including the following components: biometrics combined with strong authentication, LAN encryption, PKI, signing and encrypting of Microsoft Office and Outlook

Smart card: The MiotecĀ® Biometric PKI card with multifunctionality.

Precise 100 MC: The core requirements were security, computer independence and user friendliness. All have been met with the fingerprint-based solution from Precise Biometrics.

Result: The solution offers a fast, safe and convenient user access to computers and networks and has improved security of e-mail correspondence and digital file transactions and storage. Part of the solution is the Precise Match-On-Card™ functionality, which means that the users never need to feel concerned that their fingerprints could be stolen and abused—the fingerprint is stored and matched directly on the card. If a card is lost, no one besides the owner can use it. The user’s integrity always stays intact because the fingerprint is never stored in a database beyond the individual’s control.

Why Precise Biometrics?
Biometric technology with Precise Match-on-Card™ functionality satisfied both the client’s demands for security and privacy law issues.

Securing legal access

Precise Biometrics improves security in Dutch Ministry of Justice

Judicial Court Organisation (The Rechterlijke Organisatie), part of the Dutch Ministry of Justice, has decided to replace its system of passwords for their 12,500 workstations with a more secure authorisation method for controlling access to IT applications. The new system will be the world’s largest deployment of biometrics for IT security.

Secure e-communication
The imminent biometrics implementation within the Ministry of Justice has largely been driven by the need to carry out highly secure electronic communications on a regular basis. Biometrics technology answers this need, providing a unique means of binding a digital signature to a user.

Fingerprints & smart cards meet privacy demands
The solution depends on the Match-On- Card technology, which guarantees top-level biometric security.Ā  Fingerprint data is stored in the chip–when the card is used, fingerprint verification takes place in the chip itself. In this way the customers avoid storing biometrics features centrally and personal integrity is maintained. “This is the first governmental organisation in the Netherlands to introduce a multifunctional smart card that enables encryption of e-mail, digital signatures and login using biometric identification instead of user IDs and passwords,” says Jeen de Swart, Ministry of Justice of the Netherlands. “The core requirements were security, computer independence and user friendliness. All have been met with this solution.”

The Dutch Ministry of Justice has decided to replace its system of passwords for their 12,500 workstations with a fingerprint-based authentication system.

PKI guarantees confidentiality
To guarantee the confidentiality and integrity of specific electronic communication and transactions, a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) has been set up within the Judicial Court Organisation. E-mail can easily be encrypted, as can confidential data stored on the network.

Convenience for the user
For employees, the only change at the workplace is the addition of a fingerprint reader. Network logon is automatic, and e-mails and files are visually signed and encrypted.

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