Fingerprint Cards and Motorola Semiconductor sign Collaboration agreement

Fingerprint Cards AB and Motorola, Inc´s Semiconductor Products Sector (SPCS) have signed an agreement to collaborate on marketing Fingerprint Cards´ biometric technology on a Motorola processor platform. Fingerprint Cards has ported its patented DAD (Distinct Area Detection) algorithm for matching of finger patterns to Motorola’s Dragon Ball ™ MX1 microprocessor. This processor, which is found in more than 75% of all the world’s personal digital assistants (PDA's), is targeted for 2.5G and 3G mobile products, smart phones and advanced information appliances. The solution will be demonstrated by Motorola Semiconductor in Cannes at the 3GSM telecom exhibition in February 18-21.

Fingerprint Cards has developed the most compact (8Kb) algorithm on the market where performance has been maximized while the need for processing power and hence power consumption has been minimized. With the DAD algorithm the Company targets wireless products such as cell phones, PDA’s and smart cards where the requirements for low power consumption are extreme. The porting of the algorithm to Motorola’s Dragon Ball ™ MX1 microprocessor implies that only one hardware component, namely the finger sensor, will be needed for a complete biometric system in the end product. This reduces the cost significantly for end product developers and gives Fingerprint Cards a strong competitive advantage when offering its fingerprint sensors.

Motorola is the world market leader of processors to wireless products such as cell phones and PDA’s. The Dragon Ball™ MX1 microprocessor is compatible with industry-leading systems such as the Palm OS platform, Microsoft Windows CE operating system, Linux operating system, and Symbian™ operating system. Introduced in 1995, the processor is found in more than 75% of all PDA’s and is featured in all products based on Palm OS software today.

For further information, contact CEO Lennart Carlson. Tel: +.

Fingerprint Cards AB, quoted on the Stockholm Stock Exchange’s O-list (FING B), has developed electronic systems, which through analysis of the unique fingerprint patterns of individuals determines their personal identity. The system is completely chip-based and reads, stores and compares fingerprint patterns without the help of any PC processor. The Company has in-house developed capacitive swipe and flatbed sensors as well as algorithms. By virtue of its smallness, low power consumption and the possibility of very low manufacturing costs, the technology can be integrated in volume products such as smart cards, PDA’s and mobile phones, where the demands for such characteristics are extremely high. Other applications for the technology include pass systems for premises and products for logon to computers.

Fingerprint Cards AB
Box 2412
Östra Larmgatan 16
S-403 16 Göteborg


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